Mobile Application Development

Android Development

Have you ever thought of creating your own Mobile Application?

Based on 99 Reviews

Android Development Course Overview

An Android Development Course is a specialized program that teaches individuals how to create mobile applications for Android devices. This course covers fundamental concepts, including Java or Kotlin programming, Android Studio, and the Android SDK. Participants learn to design user-friendly interfaces, implement core functionalities, and integrate APIs to build robust and dynamic apps. Topics such as database handling, cloud integration, and app deployment on the Google Play Store are also explored. With hands-on projects and real-world examples, this course equips learners with the skills needed to launch a successful career in Android development or create custom apps for various needs.

Key Features
Globally Recognised Certification
100% online and Self-paced learning
Access to 4 Gamified Practise Platforms
Dedicated doubts Session
Full lifetime access to all content
7 Days refund Policy
Course Topics You will Learn
Introduction to Java
  • History and evolution of Java
    Features of Java (e.g., platform independence, OOP, security)
    JDK, JRE, and JVM
    Setting up the development environment
Basics of Java Programming
  • Writing and running your first Java program
    Syntax, structure, and coding conventions
    Data types, variables, and constants
    Keywords and identifiers
Control Flow Statements
  • Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
    Looping constructs (for, while, do-while)
    Enhanced for loop
    Jump statements (break, continue, return)
Arrays and Strings
  • Creating and using arrays (single and multidimensional)
    Common array operations
    Working with the String class and its methods
    StringBuilder and StringBuffer
Functions/Methods in Java
  • Defining and Calling Methods
    Method Overloading
    Static vs. Instance Methods
    Pass by Value
    Variable Scope
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Classes and objects
    Constructors and initialization
    this and super keywords
    Inheritance (single, multilevel, hierarchical)
    Polymorphism (method overloading and overriding)
    Encapsulation and abstraction
    Access modifiers (public, private, protected, default)
Exception Handling
  • Types of exceptions
    Using try, catch, and finally blocks
    Throwing and catching exceptions with throw and throws
    Creating custom exceptions
Multithreading and Concurrency
  • Introduction to threads and multitasking
    Creating threads using Thread class and Runnable interface
    Thread life cycle
    Synchronization and inter-thread communication
Java Collections Framework
  • Introduction to collections
    Interfaces: List, Set, Queue, Map
    Classes: ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap
    Iterating through collections using iterators
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
  • Introduction to JDBC
    Setting up the database and driver
    Establishing a connection to the database
    Performing CRUD operations with SQL
    Handling database exceptions
Regular Expressions in Java
  • Introduction to the java.util.regex package
    Pattern and Matcher classes
    Common regex patterns
    Finding, replacing, and validating strings
Introduction to Android Development
  • Overview of Android Architecture and Components
    Setting Up Android Development Environment (Android Studio)
    Android SDK, AVD (Android Virtual Device) Setup
    Introduction to Gradle for Project Management
Android User Interface (UI) Design
  • Understanding Layouts: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout
    TextView, Button, EditText, ImageView, and other UI Widgets
    Handling User Input: Button Click, EditText, RadioButtons, CheckBoxes
    Android Views and ViewGroups
    Layout Resources and Dimen Resources
    Introduction to Material Design and Custom Views
Activities and Intents
  • Understanding Activity Lifecycle: onCreate, onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, onDestroy
    Creating Activities and Navigating Between Screens
    Implicit and Explicit Intents
    Passing Data Between Activities using Bundles
Android UI Components and Views
  • ListViews and RecyclerViews
    Adapters: ArrayAdapter, BaseAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter
    ViewPager, Tabs, and Fragments
    Custom Views and Layouts
Event Handling and Listeners
  • OnClickListener, OnTouchListener, OnLongClickListener
    Handling User Input from Text Fields, Buttons, and Radio Groups
    Gesture Detection: Tap, Swipe, Pinch, etc.
    Event Handling in Fragments
Android Storage and Databases
  • nternal and External Storage
    SharedPreferences: Storing simple key-value data
    SQLite Database in Android: Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting Records
    Content Providers and Data Sharing Between Apps
Android Networking and APIs
  • Introduction to Networking in Android
    Making HTTP Requests with HttpURLConnection and OkHttp
    Parsing JSON Data with Gson and JSONParser
    Working with RESTful APIs
    Using Retrofit for Networking and API Integration
Android Permissions and Security
  • Understanding Android Permissions System
    Requesting Runtime Permissions
    Handling Permissions for Camera, Location, and Storage
    Securing Android Apps: Best Practices for Data Encryption and API Authentication
Android Services and Broadcast Receivers
  • Understanding Android Services: Background Processes and Services
    Types of Services: Started Service and Bound Service
    Creating and Binding Services
    Broadcast Receivers: Sending and Receiving Broadcast Intents
Android Notifications
  • Working with Notifications: Basic and Custom Notifications
    Notification Channels for Android 8.0 (Oreo) and Above
    Notification Manager and PendingIntent
Android Architecture Components
  • Introduction to MVVM, MVC, and MVP Design Patterns
    LiveData, ViewModel, and DataBinding
    Room Database for Local Storage
    ViewModel and LiveData for Managing UI-related Data
Firebase Integration in Android
  • Introduction to Firebase Services: Authentication, Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database
    Firebase Authentication: Google Sign-In, Facebook Sign-In, Email/Password Sign-In
    Using Firebase Cloud Messaging for Push Notifications
    Firebase Analytics for App Tracking
Publishing Android Apps
  • Preparing Android Apps for Production: Proguard and Obfuscation
    Generating Signed APK for Publishing
    Uploading to Google Play Store: App Bundle, Screenshots, App Description
Android Project Work
  • Project 1: Simple Android App (Calculator, Note-Taking, or Weather App)
    Project 2: Task Management App (To-Do List or Task Tracker)
    Project 3: Chat Application (Using Firebase or Socket Programming)
    Project 4: Movie/TV Show Tracker App
    Project 5: E-commerce App

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Premium Course

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    Who will Teach You
    team 1
    Anjali Arora
    App Developer ( IBM )

    About Ms. Anjali Arora

    Enroll in EduNova’s Flutter App Development Course and master the art of building stunning, high-performance mobile apps for both iOS and Android. Our expert instructors will walk you through each step of the development process, from installation and setup to debugging and deployment. You’ll gain essential programming skills, including Dart fundamentals, such as `const`, `static`, and `final` keywords, as well as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Dart.

    Based on 99 Reviews

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    What Students Say About us
    Shivam Mathuriya
    I feel thankful to have taken this course
    Rahul Bundela
    It is absolutely clear and easy to understand.
    Priyanka P.
    Excellent teaching..
    Manya Chauhan
    Nice Courses Best teachers available for teching
    Rati Bansal
    Got a job in MNCs by this course from EduNova
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Why is the perfect eLearning Placement program Unique?

    They are unique because of their unique approach i.e; Placement, training then Hike. Firstly, they get students placed then give 8 Months of training in any Certification of your choice and at least a 70% hike after 10 months.

    How can I enrol in a course?

    Click on Side menu- Choose Courses- Select the course you want to see- Course Detail page will open- click on Start Learning on top- now you can Enrol for the course.

    Do you offer certifications upon course completion?

    Yes. We offer certifications upon course completion.

    What skills are in-demand in the job market?

    Data science
    Artificial Intelligence
    Digital marketing
    Cyber Security
    Data Analytics
    Quantum computing/ Cloud computing
    Android App development
    Web development